Phasers, Flangers and Chorus pedals are modulation effects that add a new dimension to your sound.
Phaser pedals are an effect that split the signal and shift one of these signals out of phase. You can control the level of phase shift and the rate giving you a very unique effect for your guitar or bass.
A Flanger is like a phaser on steriods! With a heavier and more intense sound created by more control over the placement of the notches, whereas a phasers are all even and smooth.
A late addition to the pedal market, the Chorus Effect started to be widely used in the 70’s and are used to give a choral-like effect. By use of short delays and a flanging effect process, Chorus has become a very versatile tool in modern guitar performance.
Here at Mannys Music, we have a large range of Phasers, Flangers and Chorus effect pedals ready for you to test in store or purchase by clicking on any of the products below. If you need any help, contact us now and let our staff help you find the perfect guitar pedal.